This is what awaited us four years ago when we returned to the old neighborhood where we lived back in the early 80's. Of, course we didn't have to wait to get to this neighborhood to see this. Hurricane Katrina had left destruction in every single street in the region. This neighborhood in Slidell had about 8 feet of water.
What you don't see in this picture is something that was happening in neighborhoods all over -- the residents were hauling everything out of their house, including sheet-rock and cabinets. When they needed a break, they would stand around with neighbors and commiserate that they had not "home" to go back into.
--steve buser
What you don't see in this picture is something that was happening in neighborhoods all over -- the residents were hauling everything out of their house, including sheet-rock and cabinets. When they needed a break, they would stand around with neighbors and commiserate that they had not "home" to go back into.
--steve buser