On the first of each month, 117 City Daily Photo sites do a new "theme day." Today's theme for January 1, 2008 is "Best Photo of the Year." I had to dig through my old photos to find the one I rated highest. This picture is what I chose.
The photo was from May 7th, just a couple weeks after I started this blog. Here's the link to the orginal post The scene is a sundown shot from the lakefront in Mandeville. I don't think it needs any explaining.
Other Theme Day participants are:
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Lagniappe (a little something extra)
Great choice. It has a timeless quality to it. Happy New Year!
Beautiful photo! Happy New Year from Wailea, Maui!
A beautiful shot. What else could you ask for than a back drop like that? This could be anyone which makes the photo touch alot more people. Great job.
I couldn't decide and am leaving it up to the votes. I narrowed my down to seven. Yikes! Hate to say I just couldn't pick one. Come take a look and put your vote in.
I love that photo....perfect! I can see why you chose it for this theme day.
Thank you for your comment about the Pat O'Brien's photo...DH and I both had a nice laugh! :) It honestly would fool you. For *at least 10 seconds* while walking on Beale, you feel as if you've been transported to the Vieux Carre. My son is at Pat's tonight...don't ask... ;)
Happy New Year!!
Steve, I think you had many great photos to choose from in 2007 and this one has a great feeling to it. Best wishes for 2008!
I wondered which you'd choose - love your photographs. This is a super one. Happy New Year to you!
love the shot. thought i went to your may 7th post to read the description,
i'd add it here too.
have a great year,
Mindless Mumbai
You are a very special person to me and I am thankful that I was able to find you in this endless sea of blogs.
This is a very nice photograph selection for the new year.
Thanks for all of your visits to my blog in 2007 and I hope and pray you have excellent health and are very happy all the days of your life but especially in this new year 2008.
Happy New Year from Patty and me.
A beautiful scene. Happy New Year.
Happy New Year from Arradon, Bonne et heureuse année, Steve!
Good choice - I like how the fishing rod disappears into the glare of the sun!!!
Cheers and thanks for all your positive comments on my blog they are most appreciated!!!
it is a great shot, makes me wish I was there! happy New year
When I think of the deep south I think of fishing along the coast - or crabbing. This is a wonderful photo that just fills me with longing to experience that sunset.
Great shot and perfect for this theme. Happy 2008 to you!
Happy New Year, very neat shot.
les ombres sont superbes, très bon choix. Mes meilleurs voeux en cette année 2008.
Shadows are superb, very good choice. My best wishes in the year 2008.
Happy Theme Day and New Year to you. You selected a wonderfully peaceful photo to begin the new year!
good choice for the theme
happy new year
Excellent choice. Happy New Year.
This so reminds me of la Nouvelle Orléans! Thank you for taking part in the City Daily Photo community.
Bonne année (happy new year)!
I've never fished, but it looks a good place to do it.
Here's to a happy & phototastic 2008
Loved the photo!
Happy New Year, Steve!
Always great photo !
Happy New Year 2008 and long life to your blog !
whoua !!!
a great shot
Happy new year
Absolutely perfect - at least this shot didn't get away
Speaks of peace and enjoyment of life! May you have those in the new year!
That's quite a "bobber" on that fishing pole. Really terrific shot with the silhouettes and sunset. I think its a prize too.
Thanks for your visits to my blog and your very kind remarks. Its most appreciated.
I want to wish you the very best in 2008 and look forward to the pictures you have to share.
It looks as if the little boy had a "crown" (I mean what we call "auréole" in French).
Happy New Year to you and your family, Steve.
Hmmm, a nice and beautiful evening. Just perfect on this cold and rainy first day of the year. A wonderful capture.
Happy New Year from New York City, Steve!! May 2008 be full of satisfaction and happiness.
Great choice, Steve! In addition to the color, composition, etc., the feel of this photo is just wonderful.
Happy New Year!
That is a great photo. Good choice.
Wish you a happy New Year!
Very nice choice - Happy New Year!
...And you choosed the best in absolute. I love it so so much. Thank you.
Happy New Year from Torino !!!
This is a great shot and you are right...it says it all!!! Happy New Year and thank you for all your nice visits over this past half year. I hope to enjoy many more over 2008!
i remember this post! have a happy new year
What a great choice - I love it!
Happy New Year to you and yours and here's to a wonderful 2008 for the Daily City Photo Blog community.
Jenny, Sharon (CT, USA) Daily Photo
Casting into the sunset, Love these fishing pics! Happy new year!
That's a classic. I had not seen the original post, so thanks for that link.
Happy Theme Day and New Year Steve! :)
Your photos and their accompanying text never cease to amaze me, Steve. Thanks.
haha! I left a comment about this photo saying it was my favorite photo of the day. A perfect choice!
Happy New Years to you and yours in 2008!
Twin Cities Daily Photo
A perfect choice indeed! Look forward to many more wonderful pictures from your camera in 2008! :)
What a stunning sunset!
All the best to you in 2008.
Aaaww, I love parent and child photos! Nice pick!
Sorry I wasn't able to visit your blog sooner. I was in transit the whole of yesterday. I am now back in Norwich after the most fantabulous time at home in Manila. Do swing by my other sites to leave your footprints behind. Read: lovely comments. :)
Happy New Year to you and everyone you hold dear!
I look forward to visiting your blog more often this 2008. And you're welcome to mine, too! For some reason, my link was not included for participating blogs for the 1st of January 2008 theme day.
The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo
Your Love Coach
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