Your bones are hollow, your wings translucent. You are crafted to slice the wind. Let the wind slowly glide you down to your nest. Hundreds of feet of silent wind skimming. You are a Great Egret . You were born to be a brother of the wind.
From Audubon Park in New Orleans (make sure you click the photo to get the full effect.)
-- steve buser
He makes it all look so effortless. I remember when I was a kid I liked to dream that I could fly and all I had to do was step off into space and away I went. I don't remember my arms flapping either so I must have been some kind of glider.
This is a really magnificent bird to post. You got a new camera and a high powered zoom lens.
I have always wanted to glide like that. One of my cousins jumped off of a garage roof to prove that I couldn't. He broke his collarbone. ;-)
I have enjoyed all of your birds this week. Sorry few comments. . . .writing another 20 pp for school among some personal stress going on at NDP.
Thanks for the What is it Wednesday comment. If you're interested, we could both do it and link. I'll see if anyone else is.
This is just a magnificent photo. I love how the light shines through those wings.
Wow. This is really an amazing photo. You've captured the grace and beauty of this bird perfectly.
AWESOME bird shot.
This is a very calming photo.. ahhh relaxation:)
so much more grand than the raven I've been trying photograph in the rain.
Beautiful picture, this is more like a painting than a photo. Cool shot.
Wow - what a beautiful photo - looks like a painting!!!
Just amazing!
Outstanding shot.
That wing span - very graphic and beautiful. Thanks for sharing this. I'll add you to my link.
One word: Wow!
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