Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuned, tuned in, "tune"ing

A few weeks back we were over at the Trace in Mandeville (just across Lake Pontchartrain from New Orleans). The train used to run through here and the track has been converted to a bike and walking trail that is well used and which winds through most of the Parish ("county" for the rest of y'all). In the middle of Mandeville, they have set up the Trace to look like an old train station. Saturday's are a kind of artist market and a market for eating goodies. They usually have some entertainment. This Saturday, for reason I cannot explain, the crowd was sparse. These two guys did amazing oldie music. I really didn't shoot this shot to use on the blog, but the more I looked at it back in my office, I decided it had a message, though I can't really define it. Can't even give you the group's name.

Just stare at in (double click to enlarge it) for a while. See if it talks to you.

--steve buser


raf said...

Yep, your image speaks. I can hear 'em talking, singing like they love it as much as if they were playing a packed house.
Great shot, Steve!

Jane Hards Photography said...

It's a fabulous shot, from a very different angle.