Friday, December 14, 2007

Sunset stroll

River view saunter
The Levee Walk -- the get home, get-the-dog, head-out-for-the-evening-stroll Levee Walk. Everyone's your friend. Everyone's winding down. It's letting out the frustrations of the day and catching the soothing view of the Mississippi River and the last rays of the sun.

This shot is where Magazine Street runs into the levee just past Audubon Park.

--steve buser           Technocrati Tags:

Lagniappe ( a little something extra )

Galloping underwater steeds -- at the Houston Aquarium.
Today on Pixel-Eyed


Gwen said...

How did you get that sky composition? It doesn't look real, very beautiful.

alaya said...

i love the sunset stroll. beautiful sky with silhouette of people and dog.

Lilly said...

beautiful picture. well done.

Bergson said...

Silhouettes and a splendid sky cheer

isa said...

I can see the stress just evaporating ;-)
Nice photo!

Wanda said...

Oh Steve, this ones will be one of my forever favorites! I says it all to me! Thanks.:)

Barbara said...

I really like this photo. Regards from West Sacramento.

ro_pumpkin said...

this is a great shot , like many others on your blog . you have a good eye .
thank you for the visit and your nice comment .

Jilly said...

Fabulous. Love that the couple are in step. Perfect - couple out with dog for an evening stroll. Love it. Super photo.

Wayne said...

Cool shot. Very smooth. Relaxing is right.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

Beautiful composition, Steve

Andree said...

that is a perfectly composed photo. I love the lines, colors and silhouettes.