Mid-afternoon showers in the summer time are not usually a day spoiler -- they cool things down in the middle of the hotest part of the day. Seems lately in the New Orleans area, though, they come on a lot darker and meaner looking. Since no one gave me a choice, I will take mean with my cool.... please.
--steve buser
Those are some mean looking dark clouds! I was in NOLA last summer for about 5 days helping my son get settled, and it was so HOT!
And didn't rain a drop while we were there.
We've had lots more rain here this year too!
This coloring makes these clouds look even more ominous!
I agree, that is mean and cool..
We woke up this moring to an overcast day....it is cooler, but a little muggy.
No cute cloud shapes there - those are heavy, hanging clouds roiling into each other.
wow, those are some heavy looking clouds! nice photo
Very ominous looking weather!
wonderful photo. I love what you did with the colors.
I saw this on the portal and wow...did it look menacing!!!
We rarely have thunderstorms in this part of Oregon. I personally love the low humidity. btw, I got to see Samantha Brown when they rebroadcast it today. I really enjoyed seeing some of the off-the-tourist-trail places she went. So have you had one of those Muffeletta sandwiches?
WOW! Mean looking clouds, indeed! Looks like tornado weather - something "Louis" DOESN'T miss about that part of the world!
Wow those mean and nasty clouds would make me run for cover if they start shooting out bolts of lighting, balls of hail and any little slight cloud churning that is. What a great looking contrast to those clouds in color.
Jill -- we were just talking the other day among friends that one of the few advantages of the hurricane was that there were less tourist and the locals could get into the Central Grocery and enjoye the Muffelettas there. And the Rock 'n Bowl is one of our favorite hang outs.
That looks mean alright.
I have heard more than once, that we can begin to expect stronger storms and more of them and the days when gentle rains fell are over. The winters colder and the summers hotter. What that means for polar bears with cubs adrift in the ocean is hard to imagine.
I hope the next president can flip the freeze switch to on for all the wildlife up north, when elected.
Yes! It looks mean and gritty!
Such memories you conjure, Steve, with this photo. I can feel them on my skin, smell and hear them. What a creative take on portent you have here.
That's a stunning shot, Steve! It's awesome!
The clouds look like they were on top of you. You took a wonderful picture.
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