I know it is an old joke, "just how final was the approach?" But watching this Great Egret circle in on the nest on a sharp downward spiral, was feeling awkward, for me. I've flown in airplanes with pilots like this -- real cowboys. Get 'er up and then Get 'r down. But this air ship is just a bucket of feathers and a hollow bones. Made me wonder if he saw something going on down in the nest that he didn't approve of.
-- steve buser
Pure perfection in a post! Words and pictures, provided by Steve! Thanks!
I love these birds! I really love this photo! Your timing was perfect!
But oh so sleek! look at all those sharp angles cutting into the air on the way down.
I simply love it. Top notch! Great post over all.
Beautiful shot !
Spectacular photo!! Well done.
Wow! What a moment you captured!
Hi Steve! I can no longer silently lurk here... the last two posts are mindblowingly fantastic. Love the clouds. Love the egret. Love the commentary. Wow!
The Egret was flying so soft. I love watching them fly. You took a wonderful picture.
The picture is outstanding...but Steve your narative just makes it a masterpiece.
Parents are very protective. He looks determined.
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