This fellow was quite elusive, until he landed on this flower which must have been filled with nectar. You can see his proboscis -- sucking tube for nectar -- pointing out and down from his head into the flower. His two antennae which help him smell for nectar and other things in the environment are clearly visible pointing up from his head.
You can see two of his legs and probably assume he has two more on the other side. He does, but like all insects the butterfly has 6 legs. Two of these are usually very hairy and held up close to his body. You can see one of those hairy leg hanging down on the other side by his head. Butterflies use all of their legs for smelling what they are alighting on.
Steve, This is a beautiful capture, and I'm sure that Abraham will be pleased with the dedication. Thanks also for all the good information.
Beautiful photo! I really like the detail of the butterfly. It's amazing to see one so close.
That is a beautiful butterfly. I'm amazed at how much of a close up you were able to get.
You Painting lady is lovely too.
Abe is one of my daily visit too. He will be pleased you linked to his spot.
I love this close-ups of butterflies. They seem so smooth from a distance, but up close, they're so furry and powdery.
Thank you, Steve, for this post and for the link. It is a beautiful photograph for me to see and the information is comprehensive. I don't think I have any butterflies around here as nice as this one. Mine look somewhat worse for the wear and none are so colorful.
Abe Lincoln
That velvety creature, that bright pink flower, that lush green background... fabulous.
Thanks for the cool butterfly lesson, too!
That's a beautiful photo. I can't think how you managed to take it without scaring off the butterfly. Well done.
Beautifull Lady!!!
Wow! Your photos are so good, Steve, so clear and beautiful and interesting. I'm impressed, too, with your butterfly knowledge.
This picture is true majesty. Thanks for sharing it!
gorgeous photo!!! I got a few really nice ones this last spring of the painted ladies around here.
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