I'm doing penance this morning. Posting this picture a day late. Here's my typical breakfast. Cheerios and a banana. Maybe sometime other fruit -- cherries. grapes. And when we have it a cup of yogurt.
--steve buser
To see more theme day participants, go here (you may have to page down at each site to see their breakfast post from yesterday):
Saint Paul (MN), USA - Bellefonte (PA), USA - Menton, France - Monte Carlo, Monaco - New York City (NY), USA - Tel Aviv, Israel - Hyde, UK - Port Angeles (WA), USA - Mainz, Germany - Stockholm, Sweden - Paderborn, Germany - Singapore, Singapore - Haninge, Sweden - Nottingham, UK - Ampang (Selangor), Malaysia - Manila, Philippines - Boston (MA), USA - Seoul, Korea - Singapore, Singapore - Joplin (MO), USA - Chandler (AZ), USA - Paris, France - Sequim (WA), USA - Greenville (SC), USA - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Boston (MA), USA - Chennai, India - Madison (WI), USA - Baton Rouge (LA), USA - Toulouse, France - Seattle (WA), USA - Mexico (DF), Mexico - La Antigua, Guatemala - Selma (AL), USA - Wassenaar (ZH), Netherlands - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Cleveland (OH), USA - San Diego (CA), USA - Lubbock (TX), USA - Jakarta, Indonesia - Sheki, Azerbaijan - Sydney, Australia - Mumbai, India - Seoul, South Korea - Cottage Grove (MN), USA - Cypress (TX), USA - Saarbrücken, Germany - Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - New Orleans (LA), USA - Budapest, Hungary - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Austin (TX), USA - Singapore, Singapore - Villigen, Switzerland - Montréal (QC), Canada - Stayton (OR), USA - Melbourne, Australia - Silver Spring (MD), USA - Moscow, Russia - Springfield (MO), USA - Inverness (IL), usa - Arlington (VA), USA - Cologne (NRW), Germany - Anderson (SC), USA - Oslo, Norway - Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation - Manila, Philippines - Kajang (Selangor), Malaysia - Maple Ridge (BC), Canada - Bandung (West Java), Indonesia - Stavanger, Norway - Bastia, France - Hong Kong, China - Wailea (HI), USA - St. Louis (MO), USA - Chicago (IL), USA - Rabaul, Papua New Guinea - Sydney, Australia - Bucaramanga (Santander), Colombia - Kansas City (MO), USA - Grenoble, France - Paris, France - Evry, France - Saigon, Vietnam - Prague, Czech Republic - Cape Town, South Africa - Brookville (OH), USA - Brussels, Belgium - San Diego (CA), USA - Wellington, New Zealand - Newcastle (NSW), Australia - Saint Louis (MO), USA - Sharon (CT), USA - Shanghai, China - Zurich, Switzerland - North Bay (ON), Canada - Lyon, France - Naples (FL), USA - Olympia (WA), USA
We have two things in common: bananas and yogurt.
Bon appétit!
I'll add a third to Marie's of what we have in common - a bad memory! I'm sending you a 'mouchoir' over the ether on which to tie a knot for the next Daily Photo Theme Day.
Good to see your breakfast.
This looks like something I've had before.
Hey, would you believe it? Your banana looks just like my banana! They're best when just slightly spotty like that!
I like your breakfast. I eat it sometimes and not bacon and eggs all the time. I also like yogurt like Marie said.
I know you are busy so have a good day.
Abraham Lincoln
My Website
A great healthy start to the day. I had Special K with strawberries this AM.
You are forgiven for being a day late - with all the time differences I was very confused anyhow. I was having breakfast for lunch, dinner and supper!!!
Love the close up and angle of this shot - cool!!!
Good ol' Cherrios are hard to beat, especially with sliced banana.
Another member of the fruit and cereal club! I wondered if you were going to do beignets, or grillades ;)
je te souhaite un bon petit dejeuner, j'aime bien aussi une banane le matin
I wish you a good breakfast, I like also a banana the morning
That looks so healthy -- more than what I eat anyway. :) And I like my 'nanners ripe, too.
That's a good breakfast, I agree...
Here in Manila, we also eat banana - but with rice even in the morning!
Nice photograph of your breakfast here...
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