Do you mind if we take a little side step today from the New Orleans photo and talk about a major event in our lives last week?
My granddaughter Sophie (on the left looking for advice from her brother, Sullivan) got very ill last week and had to be rushed to the hospital and then life-flighted to a pediatric ICU in Temple, Texas. She is back home now recovering and smiling again, but the whole ordeal was one of those moments you hope you never have to go through. You learn a lot about who you are and what (or who) you care about when something like this comes upon you.
My wife and I rushed to the airport to catch the first flight out there -- but the Good Lord put a few road blocks in our way -- we were on the 2:45 flight, but weather in Houston kept us from taking off until 5:45. Tense, nerve-wracking hours. Then a 1.5 hour ride through another thunderstorm to pick up her brother. And an hour and a half more to the hospital. Through it all a lot of tears and phone calls. Whoever invented the cell phone is a saint.
But it was two more days before we were out of ICU.
But rather than let me tell you about it, get it from my daughter in her own words:
What I learned this weekSo now you know why may post have seemed curt and canned for the past week.
--steve buser