The neutral grounds also double up as a good spots for parade watching at Mardi Gras and, in the case of streets like St. Charles Avenue, they also serve as the street car line (except that the street cars are not yet back running -- but it looks like it won't be long.)
--steve buser
Hi Steve
Thanks for your comment on my blog.
I survived the Greek fires. Actually I was in the Islands (Kos, Crete and Mykonos) where there were no fires; only the island of Evia was somehow affected. I’m glad to be back and catch up your posts!
The Napoleon Avenue looks superb here, but the boat post is absolutely amazing...
As I’m late, my posts at Blogtrotter are still in Bali 2005. Hope you enjoy it, anyhow!
Have a great weekend!
That is a wonderful photo. I am sure I drove on that avenue when I was in New Orleans....
Looks like the whole street is lined with a canopy.
Napoleon Avenue is beautiful, but St. Charles Ave. is in my heart. As a Loyola grad St Charles was my New Orleans. The streetcar was very important to all of us. While I was there in school the fare for the streetcar was five cents and in my senior year it went up to seven cents. The two cents raise caused a lot of flack for the city. When the streetcar last ran, did the nuns get free rides?
This is nice to drive under wonderful trees like this.
Wow--fantastic photo! Those are beautiful trees, shown at a terrific angle. :)
Hi Steve,
These trees remind me a little of the banyans here in Miami. I've heard so much about New Orleans...its gothic aspect..I'm certain you will have a great theme day shot for October.I liked visiting your site today and looking over your photographs..I'm glad to hear your granddaughter is alright.
New Orleans... Never been there. Looks cool.
This is in the Garden District, right? What a lovely place. There I visited a workshop owned by a very nice gent and a couple of very friendly squirrels!
I love these huge oak trees. I took a picture of one in my aunt's back yard...but it like yours is so so big...I needed a wider I took several shots.
I just love the look of these beautiful big trees. Nice shot!
This so reminds me of Savannah!!!
What a great picture...I know it has been a long time in cleaning up but this is how I remember New Orleans .... and I loved the street car...I hope it is back soon!
Steve, your photos are so dear to me. Over the years, I've only visited your city, but I do love so many aspects of it and its surroundings. Thanks for reviving the memories.
I like your listing of similar photos--I have a tree one of sorts today at, if you'd like to look.
So happy for you and your family as your grandbaby continues to do well.
It's a perfect picture of the south. Those trees are magnificent!
Love the shade makers and am glad to hear that the streetcars will be up and running soon. Cheers!
What a wonderful place! Beautiful!
Love these trees, I saw something similar in Singapore. BTW I like your blog and the purple background something different for change. anna :)
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