Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The day is coming

Audience participation time -- Every month, city daily photo blogs feature a theme day. Tomorrow is November's theme day.

See if you can guess what the theme is. Got it? Tune back in tomorrow to see if you got it right.

Lagniappe --

These photos on other city photo blogs could have been a theme day photo. But they weren't they were posted a couple days ago.

square -- Sofia Daily Photo
Iced Drinks -- Shanghai Daily Photo
Monumento a Niños Heroes -- Mexico Daily Photo


Wanda said...

The first thing that jumped to my mind was "The eye of the Storm".

Kate said...

The eyes have it!

Felicia said...

Now that is up close and personal! ;)

WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...


Marie said...

Beautiful eye! Eye like it.

pusa said...

very beautiful blue eyes! i really wish i have blue eyes too! happy theme day!

I Heart Manila

Olivier said...

bonne idee et un bel oeil bleu

Good idea, and a beautiful blue eye

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

eye / blue / blue eye ?????i shall come back again to check :)

IamtheMom said...

Now I know exactly where Sullivan gets his eyes from!

Anonymous said...

So whose eye is that?

Norwich Daily Photo

• Eliane • said...

LOL, I have absolutely no clue. You crack me up! :)