When the fish ain't biting, the last thing you want is onlookers. This curious family in City Park in New Orleans looks on as a fisherman casts his line into the lagoon. If you look in back below the bridge you get a glimpse of some ducks looking on in curiosity, too.
A few more watery shots on City Daily Photo blogs today:
Porz-Strellien II -- Le Guilvinec Daily Photo
The New Fall Colors! -- Minneapolis Daily Photo
Gondola di Venezia . . . in Boston? -- Boston Daily Photo
--steve buser
A delightfully curved bridge. I'd like to fish from that spot, onlookers or not!
Love the bridge. Really nice shot and tells a story.
Steve, I am on a photoblog in the Am3 world and happened across a comment you left at somebody's site. We all can click on any commentor's name and I clicked on yours, to see your blog.
Well as a native New Orleanian, I can only say to you "Bravo!" You are showing the city I love so well and I thoroughly enjoyed reading your various comments along with the many wondeful pix.
I am a pastor living and serving in Bradenton, FL -- you'll find my church blogsite below my name here.
But if you want to check out my personal photoblog, the address is: www.lookcloser.aminus3.com/ On that site, I am known as "Viewfinder". Feel free to visit. Also, I noticed you asked the person you commented to how the photo settings get next to the pix. To answer your question, it's something our blogs do for us.
How peaceful, cool and serene - I actually hope they don't catch anything!!! The fish deserve to live in such a beautiful spot.
Love the bridge and the water beneath it. Can you imagine the tales the bridge could tell? Wow.
What a cute little bridge.
pretty scene...and u have caught the curve of the bridge perfectly ....:)
I think people are just naturally enticed to watch others fish!
Yes,yes!! I See the ducks!! And they must eat all the fish.
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