Friday, October 26, 2007

Holding on to the ghost

Hold on there --
All this tree has left is its ghost and it refuses to give it up. The tree is at the foot of the lagoon in City Park of New Orleans -- where the lagoon flows out into Bayou St. John. My question is why is a dead and weather worn tree scenic?

More city park photos -- especially showing hurricane damages

New Orleans City Park After Hurricane Katrina Photo Gallery

-- steve buser


If you thought I was going to find a lot of dead trees on City Daily Photo sites, you're wrong. I do have, however, a few animals photos you need to check out --

Cats in the Zvezdara (Star) Neighorhood -- Belgrade Daily Photo
A shy pangolin -- Bogor Daily Photo
Eye, eye! -- South Shields Daily Photo

Today on Pixel Eyed.... It's a unique program that draws in visitors to Jasper Texas -- and it has nothing to do with the beautiul lakes.


IamtheMom said...

That is a gorgeous picture Dad. You are an excellent photographer!

Marie said...

I think dead trees often look like old humans. I photographed a lot of dead trees in South Africa where they stand "upright" for decades after they died. Just like the one in New Orleans. This is a very beautiful photo.

Jilly said...

That's a good question but they just are. I love old trees, especially ones such as you've photographed with such a beautiful shape. You can almost feel it will bend down and touch the water with one of those branches. What a photo with the contrast between the tree and the vegetation. Stunning, Steve. The colours tho, looks almost too green. Did you enhance it in some way? If not, you sure have amazing scenery in NO but then you do!

Lori said...

Oh, how beautiful. This tree reminds me so much of Tolkien trees.

NorthBayPhoto said...

Beautiful photo. Not sure about why we are fascinated with death but perhaps that we hope that death is not the end but the beginning of something else.

Wanda said...

She's still there because she holds out her gracefull arms to embrace anyone willing to come into her lagoon.

Beautiful photo, love the contrast!

Meg said...

Glorious. Wanted dead or alive - keep it, keep the tree.

Jules said...

In death it has become art - a sculpture.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice shot. I like the image of the dead tree amongst such a flora life!

Lynette said...

If I owned a jigsaw puzzle company, I buy this photo and make a bunch of puzzles to sell to puzzle-lovers! It's splendidly vivid and full of shapes and colors.

Paul said...

Nice shot Steve. The contrast provokes interesting thoughts - life vs. death.

Thanks for visiting CTDP.


A truly beautiful picture...that proves that there is indeed life after death!

Anonymous said...

There is some interesting things about trees. First, they are rooted in one place and have no way to flee the man with the chain saw or the bulldog who heists his leg and pees on the tree. They get carved with knives like tattoos of love that takes years to cover up. People drive nails into them to hold something up -- from a laundry line to a hammock. Dogs are tied to them and some die there in chains. People used to delight in hanging people and they would have a picnic around the tree waiting for the noose to go around the poor man's neck.

Trees are so special. They deserve a place. They support your homes, your church and your offices but nobody sees them there so it is both proper and fitting that they be allowed to weather away where all can see the statue called a tree.

Anonymous said...

WHat a stunning, mesmerising photograph Steve. Bravo!
Planet Earth Daily Photo

Kerri Farley said...

This is a beautiful shot. Vivid colors!

GMG said...

Great shot! They are scenic, because «Trees die standing»!
Have a great weekend!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! Gorgeous photo. I LOVE old trees! Hey, I got one on my pond shot. It is definitely scenic and artistic! Your, I mean. (Mine's nice too in a different way.)

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

that tree is a STAR!!!!!

WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...

When I see photos of dead trees, surrounded by live trees, bushes, and foliage - it insures to me that "life goes on". This is a beautiful photo.