This is at the rookery at Audubon Park -- an island in the center of the lagoon that wraps around much of the golf course. It's a little late in the summer so there are fewer nests and herons and egrets at the rookery. Much of the top of the tree has been abandoned for the lower and shadier spots. But there are still some birds making preparations to expand their family. A blue heron kept flying past me the other day with twigs and small branches..
--steve buser
Excellent shot, Steve. So much detail!
Good shot, great description.
Nice observation on egret body construction. I love to see these kinds of photos and know that mechanical engineers have been ripping off animals for years. I would hate to see that clss action suit.
I just love all of your nature shots, Steve! Check out my Corsicana Daily Photo post tomorrow....and pick up your Arte y Pico award!
Great photo! I imagine I look somewhat like that when I'm picking off my bugs!
Nice photo, Steve.
Abraham Lincoln
—Brookville, Ohio
Great shot of a very interesting bird.
I just love seeing such exotic birds. We just don't have many of those.
Nothing feels so good as a scratch where it itches!!
Nothing is worse that having one you can't reach!!
Great picture.
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